Symptoms of TMJ – Jaw Pain?

Tmj Huntsville, AL

Want to know what symptoms are associated with TMJ? Many symptoms are linked to this commonly diagnosed jaw-related disorder, including jaw pain. However, other symptoms are important to be aware of as they can help the general dentist make a diagnosis and treatment plan.


Many are surprised to learn that a general dentist can diagnose and treat TMJ disorders. In fact, general dentists tend to be the first point of contact for this disorder.


About TMJ's jaw pain

Understanding where TMJ pain can occur helps individuals know whether or not they are living with the disorder. This pain can occur in the jaw, oral cavity, neck region, head, or even all of these areas. While some individuals experience mild to moderate pain, others experience severe pain. Additionally, the pain can be dull or sharp, which can be hard to live with. Since TMJ-related pain can happen anytime one speaks, chews, yawns, or even breathes; treatment is necessary to eliminate or reduce the pain.


TMJ symptoms

While pain in or around the jaw area is the most common symptom of TMJ, patients can experience many other symptoms. Outlined below are three associated symptoms that can be helpful to be aware of.


#1 – A clicking or popping sound

Many people who are living with TMJ will hear a clicking or popping sound when talking, yawning, or chewing. While it is common to experience this clicking or popping every now and then, it often indicates problems with one's jaw joints when it becomes a regular occurrence.


#2 – Sore teeth, bad bite

When someone is living with TMJ, it likely means that the jaw is also malfunctioning. The dysfunction can cause someone to experience various problems with their teeth, such as soreness or a bad bite. It is also possible for individuals to wear down their teeth and even experience broken teeth when living with TMJ. Since optimal oral health involves teeth that are in good shape, it is best to undergo a thorough evaluation for any soreness or a bad bite.


#3 – Teeth grinding

While many people who grind their teeth will be diagnosed with TMJ, it is also possible for a TMJ diagnosis to cause someone to grind their teeth. Since TMJ causes one's muscles and nerves to overstimulate, many people will grind their teeth to deal with this overstimulation. However, long-term, teeth grinding can lead to serious problems with the teeth, such as decay. Because of this risk, it is necessary to undergo treatment as soon as any signs of bruxism occur.


Find out more about TMJ 

When experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, the next step is making an appointment with a general dentist to learn more about TMJ. TMJ-related pain can make it difficult for one to perform their everyday duties, making treatment necessary. Reach out today to learn more or to get started with an evaluation.

Request an appointment here: or call René A. Talbot, DDS at (256) 382-6690 for an appointment in our Huntsville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: TMJ in Huntsville, AL.

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