Dental Veneer Can Restore Teeth Damaged From These Activities

Dental VeneersDental veneers are like a handy, all in one, tool kit that gives dentists and orthodontists everywhere a powerful weapon in the fight against hidden or unattractive smiles. You do not have to live with a smile that you are not proud of, and getting that pearly white beautiful smile is only a phone call away. If you have crooked teeth, yellowing or severely stained teeth, chipped or broken teeth - we can probably fix them. And for all of these, dental veneers are a practical solution.

Dental veneers have changed the way that we fix teeth. It is a solution, which greatly benefits you; that is easy and universal enough to cover an entire range of problems, from mild and upsetting to heartbreaking emergency dental situations. They can help us restore your teeth and since we believe that saving your natural teeth, is the best option, they are a preferable solution. We do, however, recommend preventing tooth damage or wear whenever possible. Here are a few of the most common ways teeth get worn out.

Tooth erosion is part of the natural process. Unfortunately, all the food we eat, and the drinks we drink, contain a level of acid. Sweet and, more dangerously, sour foods contain acid that builds up in the form of plaque on the teeth. The plaque causes erosion, and if left unchecked can cause severe damage to the enamel. Damaged enamel will cause the softer dentin to be exposed and could require the use of dental veneers to protect them again.

Tooth attrition is common.  When teeth rub against each other continuously there is bound to be some wear and tear. The upper and lower sets of teeth experience this kind of wear every day. For some people, the wear is increased due to the bad habit of grinding their teeth. Stress and habit lead to people grinding their teeth in their sleep. This grinding wears out the enamel and left unchecked will cause severe damage to the teeth, resulting in the need for dental veneers or an implant surgery to fix the damaged teeth. Most often this problem can be corrected with a mouth guard and retainer before the teeth get terribly worn.

The least natural, and the fastest, way to have teeth worn out to the point of needing dental veneers is tooth abrasion. Tooth abrasion occurs when people chose to use their teeth for purposes other than eating like opening bottles or tearing bags. Given that enamel is the most brittle substance in the body, albeit the hardest, performing these kinds of damaging activities usually leads to a cracked or chipped tooth and a trip to our offices for repair.

By using caution, you can prevent many common tooth injuries and wear. This will decrease the likelihood that you will ever need a restoration.  Still, if your tooth is sensitive or becomes damaged, we can help to correct it using dental veneers.  Your natural tooth will remain in place and the restoration will blend in with all the others for an improved appearance.

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